Confident. Inspired. Free. Like a weight has been lifted, my eyes are opened, and layers of insecurity have shed off my body.

Strong, brave and focused. I can take on the world and nothing is holding me back.

Well-watered, refreshed and alert. I am in tune to the Spirit’s voice within me and am following the direction God has paved ahead.

I am fearless. All things are possible with God. Nothing can stop a girl who has God on her side.

I am fully alive.

I am M E. 

Is this what my authentic self feels like? Is this a glimpse at who God created me to be? Have I never experienced this feeling before because I have neglected to listen to all of the “yes” or “no” answers, have been blinded to the signs telling me what I should or should not be doing, and have been numb to the gentle nudges pushing me forward or holding me still? 

Don’t get me wrong – I have listened for God’s voice many times before and have received that overwhelming peace that comes with obeying His commands. Likewise, I have allowed myself to be guided along God’s path for my life rather than attempting unsuccessfully to steer my own direction. And I have physically witnessed many sights of God’s doing, both God winks and beautiful imagery from His creation, but never have I ever felt all that I am currently feeling.

It’s this passion, this fire, this complete confidence and bold encouragement because I’ve said “yes” to the things God has put on my heart. Without fear of the unknown I told God “yes” before asking Him what it is I am saying “yes” to. It is the most electrifying feeling to be overcome by God’s divine design. I have to believe this acknowledgment is the beginning of what He has in store for me. I have to believe this “soul on fire” surrender is a big step towards fulfilling His ultimate purpose.

I pray this is not a wave that comes and goes. I pray this feeling will stick and never leave. Because experiencing what it is like to live as my authentic self through God’s perfect love and design for my individual life makes me feel fully alive.

Alive with purpose, drive, and determination. I feel full and complete, as He originally intended.

Lord, use me. Lord, work through me. Lord, fulfill Your plan for me.

You are everything to me, Lord Jesus. May every thing in my life bring glory to Your name.

“And our own completeness is now found in Him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the head of every kingdom and authority in the universe!”

Colossians 2:10 (TPT)

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