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Talking With Your Kids About Jesus: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have By Natasha Crain Like many generations before us, following Christ is a counter-cultural way to live in a deeply fallen world. From the people we interact with to secular music, television, movies, social media, magazines, news reports, and more, a Christian’s beliefs […]

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You are your own worst enemy. Yeah, you. The person staring back at you in the mirror. The one who listens to the voices in her head rather than tuning into the whispers in her heart. You, in all of your God-designed beauty and God-ordained worth, are your own worst enemy when you choose to […]

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Faith is for Weak People: Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel By Ray Comfort It appears this world is falling further and further away from how God created it to be. Hate is spewed freely. Love is cheap. How we feel is more important than what is real and true. Filters make […]

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Contentment. I’ve always had a hard time with that word. Gratitude and gratefulness, no. But contentment…I don’t know why but that word seems to invade my comfort zone. Perhaps it’s because I am a go-getter. I’m a natural born leader and a Type-A perfectionist who likes to think ahead and plan for the future. Contentment […]

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Confident. Inspired. Free. Like a weight has been lifted, my eyes are opened, and layers of insecurity have shed off my body. Strong, brave and focused. I can take on the world and nothing is holding me back. Well-watered, refreshed and alert. I am in tune to the Spirit’s voice within me and am following […]

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“Wow, you really come alive talking about this!” my new friend exclaimed. It was the type of response I hadn’t heard before and one that affirmed the spark within me. A spark that has been in my heart for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure of the exact moment that it struck a […]


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