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The Charlie Kirk Show  After witnessing statewide shut-downs and mask mandates miraculously disappear during the Summer of 2020 (you know, for those who chose to riot, loot, and burn down cities in response to the death of George Floyd), I became intentional in seeking out news-centered podcasts that were fearlessly committed to reporting the news […]

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Choice Privilege: What’s Race Got to Do With It? An intellectual, biblical and experiential rebuttal to critical race theory By Melissa Tate According to the Progressive Left’s agenda and the Neo-Marxist ideology behind critical race theory, the United States of America is systemically racist against all people of color. If you are Black in America, […]

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We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture’s Assault on Christianity By Erwin W. Lutzer The Covid-19 pandemic exposed a lot of cultural baggage that had been hidden deep within the “closet” of American society. Amidst the mayhem, confusion, instability, isolation, mixed messaging and tragic deaths [from both the disease and the “other,” […]

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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey I first came across Allie Beth Stuckey when she was a guest on The Candance Owens Show podcast. At the time, I had no prior knowledge of who she was or what she did. Upon hearing her interview with Candace Owens, I had a few opinions…  She is quite opinionated She knows […]

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